BigFix Inventory (former Software Use Analysis) live demo session on 19 Oct, 4:00 PM (UTC+2)

We are proud to invite you to a demonstration of BigFix Inventory (former Software Use Analysis) and License Metric Tool features that have recently been released or will be soon be available in the beta program.

Monday, 19 October, 4:00 PM (UTC+2)
Write to for access details.

1. Exposing hardware and software inventory data relevant to Oracle and Microsoft license demand calculation - Live demo.
The feature will be soon available in the beta program.

License Metric Tool/BigFix Inventory discovery engine gathers comprehensive hardware and software information. The tool consolidates this data for IBM licensing purposes but in order to understand capacity metrics for other vendors such as Oracle or Microsoft, manual compilation from different reports is required.
This demo will show license reports with consolidated software and hardware facts. The new reports will allow much easier assessment of license utilization for capacity metrics.

2. Creating custom signatures based on non-standard file types – Live demo.
The feature is already available in version 9.2.1 released on Oct 2

Next part of our demo is for TAD4D/BigFix Inventory customers who are creating (or plan to create) signatures based on non-standard file types in Software Knowledge Base Toolkit. We will show how it can now be done by using BigFix Inventory.

3. Importing delta file system scan - The concept and expected improvement presentation.
The feature is already available in version 9.2.1 released on Oct 2

In the last part, we will present performance optimization we made for large scale BigFix Inventory deployments.

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I created an EventBrite for this to make it easier to add to a calendar:

The EventBrite timezone has been corrected.

I think there is a mistake in the invite you provided because the meeting is at 4PM CEST (Warsaw), not EEST (Bucharest). After converting it to PST (Los Angeles), the time is 7am.

You are correct, I had the timezone wrong. I thought I had it right, but I guess I didn’t.

The eventbrite has been corrected, so now it will give the correct time.

Thanks! the eventbrite invite made it easy to add as a reminder.

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That is probably my primary use of EventBrite.

It is surprisingly difficult to provide an easy way for an unknown set of people to add something to their calendar, even within the same organization.

I also don’t like sending out info on an event in such a way that it requires everyone to enter it into their calendar manually… it is a lot of duplication of effort.

Will this call be recorded?

I just realized this post is lacking the details to call in or join the meeting. That is a problem.

… Now I see I was supposed to send an email to get access details? Why make it so difficult?

Are there records of webinar ?


The recording and slides are available on the Beta Community under the following link: You must be logged in to developerWorks to download the files.

Thank you for pointing at the material.
I’m logged in with IBM ID connected with intranet IBM ID but not authorized see it… Should I be the member of this Beta Community ?

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I also had issues even though I was already a member of the Beta as far as I know and I was supposedly specifically added on top of that.