BigFix Inventory Data Imports JSON


We have an issue of BigFix Inventory version
BigFix server on Windows with a seperated SQL Database Windows Server.

When clicking on Reports - Software Summary or other reports, we got :

Incorrect JSON data retrieved from server. If the problem persists refer to tema.log for more information.

From the tema.log, we got the following error message (sorry for the inconvenience that logs are in French):

>     _[09/08/21 12:49:12:593 UTC] 00000085 SystemOut                                                    O 2021-08-09 12:49:12 ERROR: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: La conversion d'un type de données varchar en type de données datetime a créé une valeur hors limites.: INSERT INTO [sam].[product_usages_etl_changes] ([computer_id], [product_id], [publisher_id], [first_used], [last_used], [total_runs], [total_time], [has_usage])         SELECT  pi.computer_id as computer_id,b.product_id as product_id, st.publisher_id as publisher_id, MIN(uf.first_used) as first_used,_
>     _                MAX(uf.last_used) as last_used, SUM(uf.total_runs) as total_runs, SUM(uf.total_time) as total_time,_
>     _                COALESCE(MAX(ci.has_usage + 0),0) as has_usage_
>     _          FROM adm.prod_inv pi_
>     _          INNER JOIN adm.branch b ON pi.branch_id = b.id_
>     _          INNER JOIN sam.software_components sc ON pi.component_id = sc.id_
>     _          INNER JOIN sam.software_titles st ON b.product_id = st.id_
>     _          INNER JOIN adm.component_info ci on ci.component_id = pi.component_id_
>     _          LEFT JOIN sam.prod_inv_app_usages uf ON     uf.instance_hash = pi.instance_hash_
>     _          WHERE pi.end_time = '9999-12-31T23:59:59.997'_
>     _            GROUP BY pi.computer_id,b.product_id,st.publisher_id_
>     _[09/08/21 12:49:12:596 UTC] 00000085 SystemOut                                                    O 2021-08-09 12:49:12 WARN: L'instruction a été arrêtée._

And I also found the error message in Management - Data Imports - Import History:

2021-08-09 12:58:24 (+0:00:00.000) INFO: Catalog ISO SWID Tags normalization: Start
2021-08-09 12:58:24 (+0:00:00.079) INFO: Catalog ISO SWID Tags normalization: Failed
2021-08-09 12:58:24 (+0:00:00.015) ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: DBNAME: temadb - NativeException: La conversion d’un type de données varchar en type de données datetime a créé une valeur hors limites.

Any ideas for these errors ?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, is this a new installation or an upgrade? Looks like some language related issue. If this is an upgrade from earlier version, has anything changed related to language settings?

Please open a case with BigFix Inventory Support to further review the environment.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I had tried to uninstall and reinstall BigFix Inventory with the same language setting (French) as BigFix Server.

But we still got the same error message.

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From earlier post:
Could you check tema.log for the following message ?: “Cannot re-set language for connection”

If you see this message, change default language to us_english in Microsoft SQL server for database user that you configured during installing BFI server.

There is no message about language reset in tema.log.

Any other ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

Please confirm the database user language setting, by logging into the SQL Server Management Studio → Security → Logins → (Select the BFI database user) Right click/Properties → Default Language

It should be set to US_English

If it is already set to us_english, then open a case with support as some thing related to the language settings has changed.

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The default language was set in French and it works after change to English !
Really appreciate your help !

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Glad to hear it’s working now.