BigFix Inventory API version 10.0.13

We are operating BigFix Inventory version 10.0.13 on Windows, with BigFix version 11. We utilize the BFI API to extract 11 pieces of information, referring to the documentation provided in this link:

While the API execution is successful, we observe a surge in CPU usage on the BFI server, reaching 45%, and the RAM increases from approximately 800 MB to 4.5 GB. Even after the query concludes, the CPU drops to zero, but the javaw.exe process retains the 4.5 GB of RAM. It seems that javaw.exe does not release the allocated RAM after completing the query. The java heap size is configured to 6144. Are there additional settings we should configure? Over time, we encounter resource issues on the BFI box.

Java process is known to hold on to the memory it consumed. The BFI Server RAM should be configured according to the needs. Then the Java MAX size can be increased.

You mentioned 11 pieces of information, but how big is the actual data extract? How many rows of data are extracted? Are you using any filters with your API queries?

There is also an option to step through the API data by using Offset and Limit settings.

I am at the same version as your and I have seen the exact same issue. This can impact my import due to limited resources.