BigFix inspector for boot list

Need to write an analysis for bootlist device. Are there any inspectors to gather details of bootlist device? Below is the command:
bootlist -m normal -o

I tried searching in bigfix forum, couldn’t find any.

Worst case you could just run it via a fixlet periodically that outputs to a file, and have an analysis read that file.


Interesting. Is this an AIX only command? I am not familiar with what it outputs, could you add a sample output and talk a little bit about the “interesting parts” of the output?

@Rackham I wonder if you have run across this?

I wonder if this is handled under AltDisk patching…

I’m not aware of any default properties for the AIX client that will give us the bootlist. As @Jared mentions above, it’s probably going to be a task that writes out to a file that an analysis looks at. Here’s a quick and dirty example I have from pulling the HMC(s) managing a system:

In the Task:

parameter “CustomDir”="{storage folder of client}/__customdata/"

createfile until __EOF

# Managing HMC
HMC=$(lsrsrc IBM.MCP | awk ‘/KeyToken/’ | awk ‘{{print $3}’ | tr -d ‘"’)
echo HMC=$HMC > “{parameter “CustomDir” of action}/psysdata.txt”


wait mv __createfile "{parameter “CustomDir” of action}/"
wait sh “{parameter “CustomDir” of action}/”

In the Analysis
key “HMC” of file (pathname of storage folder of client & “/__customdata/psysdata.txt”)


In the example above you should just be able to parse and echo output from the “bootlist -m normal -o” command instead of the lsrsrc command.

You can see that a task/analysis pair using this structure can actually write/read several AIX properties.

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