BigFix Error Codes - BFI Site

Install or Upgrade Scanner , Run capacity, Catalog uploads, Upload software scan, Initiate software scan

Exit code - 1
Exit code - 128
Exit code - none
Exit code - -1073741502
Exit code - 255

VM Manager Tool Scan Results

Exit Code - 6
Exit Code - 12

Here is a reference link, But the above codes are not represented.

Please share your inputs!


1 Like

BUMP! any help would be appreciated.

I would not expect all of those different actions to have common error codes necessarily. You’ll want to collect client diagnostics to look at the client log and see which commands are returning which error codes. They may be Windows error codes, or codes explicitly returned by a specific exe/script.

Is that any solution did you got? I’m also getting the same error code:

for Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload action says fixed with Exit code 12

Can you check action steps and see where it fails?

I can fill in a few things.

Exit code “none” - either the scan is still running or it failed to run due to a syntax error of some kind.

Exit code 12 from the VM Manager Tool - there were no changes to the virtualization hierarchy so the file containing virtualization hierarchy data doesn’t need to be created.

As for the VM Manager Tool error code 6, I wish I knew because I am seeing that myself in a development ILMT system. See

The return code 128 is probably a Windows error code meaning “There are no child processes to wait for.” (from " I’d probably just reboot the server to correct this.


On Run Capacity and Schedule Result I always got 10/11 Machine. One fails with 255 exit code. Results below:

Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results
The action failed.
This action has been applied 124 times.

Status Failed 
Start Time 13/07/2017 07:00:52 
End Time 13/07/2017 07:00:53 
Exit Code 255 
Action Script Execution Detail
Completed parameter "sourceReleaseDate" = "2017-06-12" 
Completed parameter "forceResultsUpload" = "false" 
Completed // Manual processor identification 
Completed if {(exists setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client) and (exists value of setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client)} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Other" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "Other" 
Completed if {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client) equals "50"} 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "50 PVU" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client) equals "70"} 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "70 PVU" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client) equals "100"} 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "100 PVU" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_fixed_processor_rate" of client) equals "120"} 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "120 PVU" 
Completed else 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "All Existing" 
Completed endif 
Completed // end - manual processor identification 
Completed else 
Completed // START public clouds 
Completed if {(exists setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) and (exists value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client)} 
Completed if {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "azure"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Microsoft" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "Azure" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "All Existing" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "sf-shared"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "IBM" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "SoftLayer" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "Multi-tenant" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "sf-single"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "IBM" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "SoftLayer" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "Multi-tenant" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "ec2-shared"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Amazon" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "EC2" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "Multi-Tenant" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "ec2-single"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Amazon" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "EC2" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "Multi-tenant" 
Completed elseif {(value of setting "ILMT_SUA_public_cloud_name" of client) equals "google-cloud"} 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Google" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "Compute Engine Public Cloud" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "All Existing" 
Completed else 
Completed parameter "pvuVendor" = "Other" 
Completed parameter "pvuBrand" = "Other" 
Completed parameter "pvuModel" = "All Existing" 
Completed endif 
Completed endif 
Completed // END public clouds 
Completed endif 
Completed //Set local variables and create output directories 
Completed if {(((name of operating system) as lowercase) contains "win")} 
Completed //For Win 
Completed parameter "homefolder" = "{(if (version of client >= "9" as version) then (pathname of parent folder of data folder of client) else (pathname of parent folder of regapp "besclient.exe")) & "\LMT\CIT"}" 
Completed parameter "citconfigfile" = "{folder "cit" of folder (value of variable "windir" of environment )}" 
Completed parameter "citinstalldir" = "{key "CIT_HomeDirectory" of file "cit.ini" of folder (parameter "citconfigfile")}" 
Completed parameter "outdir" = "{(parameter "homefolder") & "\tlm_hw_scans"}" 
Completed parameter "compressedfile" = "{(parameter "homefolder" as string) & "\" & computer id as string & ""}" 
Completed parameter "slash" = "\" 
Completed runhidden cmd /c mkdir "{parameter "outdir"}" 
Completed runhidden cmd /c mkdir "{parameter "homefolder"}" 
Completed //Get windows only compression tool if not in system 
Completed if {not exists file "zip.exe" whose (size of it = 290816 and sha1 of it = "88449f5743410e68ae2a01a2cbadc0b0e259e470") of folder (parameter "homefolder" as string)} 
Completed delete "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\zip.exe" 
Completed prefetch zip.exe sha1:1db3082f22723982d3709cdec921687417fc3ab2 size:303888 sha256:fe9fdf5ff536a86c6b5ad4f5c16c5edfbbb85ff085c3045e7118fb0a9c5d5315 
Completed copy __Download\zip.exe "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\zip.exe" 
Completed endif 
Completed else 
Completed //For Non-win 
Completed parameter "homefolder" = "{(if (version of client >= "9" as version) then (pathname of parent folder of data folder of client) else (pathname of parent folder of parent folder of client folder of site "actionsite")) & "/LMT/CIT"}" 
Completed parameter "citconfigfile" = "{folder "/etc/cit"}" 
Completed parameter "citinstalldir" = "{key "CIT_HomeDirectory" of file "cit.ini" of folder (parameter "citconfigfile")}" 
Completed parameter "outdir" = "{(parameter "homefolder" as string)& "/tlm_hw_scans"}" 
Completed parameter "compressedfile" = "{(parameter "homefolder" as string) & "/" & computer id as string & "_tlm_hw.tar.gz"}" 
Completed parameter "slash" = "/" 
Completed wait mkdir -p "{parameter "outdir"}" 
Completed continue if {exit code of action = 0} 
Completed wait mkdir -p "{parameter "homefolder"}" 
Completed continue if {exit code of action = 0} 
Completed endif 
Completed //For Both, win and non-win 
Completed parameter "scanResultsLimit" = "{if (exists setting whose (name of it = "CIT_CapacityScan_ResultsDaysLimit" AND exists value of it AND value of it as integer >= 0) of client) then value of setting "CIT_CapacityScan_ResultsDaysLimit" of client else "7"}" 
Completed parameter "cpacityConfigXml" = "{(parameter "homefolder" as string) & (parameter "slash" as string) & "tlm_hw_config.xml"}" 
Completed parameter "logfilepath" = "{(parameter "homefolder" as string) & (parameter "slash" as string) & computer id as string & "_cit_tlm_hw.log"}" 
Completed // Create capacity configuration scan 
Completed if { exists file (parameter "cpacityConfigXml" as string) } 
Completed delete "{parameter "cpacityConfigXml" as string}" 
Completed endif 
Completed //*********************************** CREATE FILE "cpacityConfigXml" START *********************************** // 
Completed createfile until eofdelim 
Completed <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
Completed <IBM xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="citcli.xsd"> 
Completed <CIT> 
Completed <Hardware priority="low" version="1.0" noTimeStamp="true"> 
Completed <Group Name="ComponentID"/> 
Completed <Group Name="PhysicalProcessor" IncludeAttributes="Manufacturer,Family,Type,CorePerPackageCount,ActiveProcessorCount,Brandname"/> 
Completed <Group Name="Operating System" IncludeAttributes="Name,OSArch,Type"/> 
Completed <Group Name="LogicalDomains" IncludeAttributes="Name,HostId,LdomIsActive,CoreCount,LdomIsControl"/> 
Completed <Group Name="VirtualMachineGuest" IncludeAttributes="HypervisorType,UUID,CapacityInCores,RsetID,RsetCpuCount"/> 
Completed <Group Name="VirtualMachine" IncludeAttributes="Name,VirtualMachineID,VirtualCPUs,State,CpusConfigured"/> 
Completed <Group Name="VirtualLayer"/> 
Completed <Group Name="Lpar" ExcludeAttributes="LparOnlinePackageCount,LparOnlineCoreCount"/> 
Completed </Hardware> 
Completed </CIT> 
Completed </IBM> 
Completed eofdelim 
Completed //*********************************** CREATE FILE "cpacityConfigXml" END *********************************** // 
Completed move __createfile "{parameter "cpacityConfigXml" as string}" 
Completed // Concat the scan file name 
Completed parameter "epoch" = "{(now - "01 Jan 1970 00:00:00" as universal time)/second }" 
Completed parameter "timestamp" = "{(year of it as string & month of it as two digits & day_of_month of it as two digits) of current date & concatenation of characters (0; 1; 3; 4) of (current time_of_day as string)}" 
Completed parameter "scanfilepath" = "{(parameter "outdir" as string) & (parameter "slash" as string) & "tlm_hw_" & (parameter "timestamp" as string) & "_" & (parameter "epoch" as string) & ".xml" }" 
Completed // Get last scan if exists for future comparison 
Completed if { (exists folder (parameter "outdir")) AND (number of files whose (name of it ends with ".xml") of folder (parameter "outdir" as string)) > 0 } 
Completed parameter "lastscanfile" = "{ pathname of file whose ( name of it ends with ".xml" AND (modification time of it = maximum of modification times of files whose(name of it ends with ".xml") of parent folder of it)) of folder (parameter "outdir" as string)}" 
Completed else 
Completed parameter "lastscanfile" = "" 
Completed endif 
Completed if {(((name of operating system) as lowercase) contains "win")} 
Completed // Run the scan 
Completed //*********************************** CREATE FILE "runcit_tlm_hw.bat" START *********************************** // 
Completed createfile until eofdelim 
Completed @echo off 
Completed REM ~~~ Script to run CIT capacity scan ~~~ 
Completed set Year= 
Completed for /f "skip=2" %%x in ('wmic Path Win32_UTCTime get Year^,Month^,Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Second /Format:List') do ( 
Completed if not defined Year set %%x 
Completed ) 
Completed if %Month% LSS 10 set Month=0%Month% 
Completed if %Day% LSS 10 set Day=0%Day% 
Completed if %Minute% LSS 10 set Minute=0%Minute% 
Completed if %Hour% LSS 10 set Hour=0%Hour% 
Completed if %Second% LSS 10 set Second=0%Second% 
Completed set currentDate=%Year%-%Month%-%Day% %Hour%:%Minute%:%Second% UTC 
Completed for /f %%i in ('hostname') do set HOSTNAME=%%i  
Completed echo %currentDate%: Endpoint hostname: %HOSTNAME% 
Completed set currentDir="%~dp0" 
Completed cd /D "{parameter "homefolder" as string}" 
Completed "{parameter "citinstalldir" & "\bin\wscanhw.exe"}" -nolock -c "{parameter "cpacityConfigXml" as string}" -o "{parameter "scanfilepath" as string}"  
Completed cd /D %currentDir% 
Completed eofdelim 
Completed //*********************************** CREATE FILE "runcit_tlm_hw.bat" END *********************************** // 
Completed delete "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\runcit_tlm_hw.bat" 
Completed move __createfile "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\runcit_tlm_hw.bat" 
Completed waithidden cmd.exe /c ""{parameter "homefolder" as string}\runcit_tlm_hw.bat" > "{parameter "logfilepath" as string}" 2<&1" 
**Failed continue if {exit code of action = 0}** 
 continue if {(exists file ((parameter "scanfilepath") as string))} 
 // Validate the generated capacity scan output and exit with error code when one of the key nodes in not present in XML file 
 //*********************************** CREATE FILE "checkCapacityScanOutput.vbs" START *********************************** // 
 createfile until eofdelim 
 Function checkFile(fileName) 
 Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") 
 Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ComponentID") 
 If objNodeList.length <> 1 then 
 Exit Function 
 End If 
 Set objNodeList = objNodeList.item(0).getElementsByTagName("SerialNumber") 
 If objNodeList.length <> 1 then 
 Exit Function 
 If objNodeList.item(0).Text = "" then 
 Exit Function 
 End If 
 End If 
 Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("PhysicalProcessor") 
 If objNodeList.length = 0 then 
 Exit Function 
 End If 
 Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("OperatingSystem") 
 If objNodeList.length <> 1 then 
 Exit Function 
 End If 
 Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Lpar") 
 If objNodeList.length <> 1 then 
 Exit Function 
 End If 
 End Function 
 Dim xmlFileName, returnCode, objFSO 
 xmlFileName = WScript.Arguments(0) 
 returnCode = checkFile(xmlFileName) 
 If returnCode > 0 then 
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
 if objFSO.FileExists(xmlFileName) then 
 end if 
 WScript.quit returnCode 
 End if 
 //*********************************** CREATE FILE "checkCapacityScanOutput.vbs" END *********************************** // 
 delete "{parameter "homefolder" as string}\checkCapacityScanOutput.vbs" 


Hi Daniele,

It looks like hardware scanner failure. Best to start a PMR in such case.


Hi Daniele, this HW scan error 255 is quite common and usually only occurs on a Windows platform where WMIC command is failing. The quick way to diagnose the issue is to perform the following steps to investigate further locally on the Windows computer in question:

  1. the capacity (HW) scan task executes the runcit_tlm_hw.bat which executes wmic and vscript commands. If these commands are unable to run locally or they can’t be found due to the Windows system environment variable is not defined correctly, it will fail with error code 255. This also causes the Initiate Software Scan task to fail as well on this Windows computer as it is also executing the wmic and vscript commands as well inside the rurncit_sw.bat

  2. The runcit_tlm_hw.bat and runcit_sw.bat actually execute the following wmic command:

    WMIC Path Win32_UTCTime get Year^,Month^,Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Second /Format:List

If the WMIC command is failing or not getting a correct format output, it will fail with return code of 255. If it works, it should return the following outputs:

WMIC Path Win32_UTCTime get Year^,Month^,Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Second /Format:List


Test it out to ensure it works first from the CMD line window.

  1. Also try out these commands as well to ensure there is no issue with WMIC CLASS SCHEMA.

WMIC Path Win32_SoundDevice GET /VALUE
winmgmt /verifyrepository

If there is issue with WMIC or WMIC command is not found error, fix the issue until the above WMIC commands work.

  1. There is a something blocking the execution of vscript command. Verify this vscript is able to run as well or .vbs file extension is recognized by vscript script (file association).

Good luck.


Could anybody explain what the Exit code - -1073741502 means.
We’ve got question from user:
“User tried running the GCM scan, but everytime the _Install task is completing with exit code -1073741502.
Though in console the task is showing as fixed.”

Thank you for quick response!

This is a Windows error code (-1073741502 integer is 0xc0000142 hexadecimal). Searching the web for that error code indicates a DLL failed to initialize. BigFix returns completed because the fixlet ran all of its action script commands. It is not coded to look for this specific error. I suggest you troubleshoot the system where the scan fails.

Found this in old doc for TAMIT 7.2, pretty sure 90% of those error codes are still close to accurate:

Table 1. Common Inventory Technology operation return codes
Return code Return value Description
1 WSRC_WRONG_PARMS At least one parameter is incorrect.
2 WSRC_INPUT_FILE_PARSE_ERROR An error occurred while parsing the configuration file.
3 WSRC_SIGNATURE_FILE_PARSE_ ERROR An error occurred while parsing the signature file.
4 WSRC_OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR An error occurred while writing the output file.
5 WSRC_INPUT_FILE_ERROR An error occurred while writing the input file.
6 WSRC_MISSING_SIGNATURE_FILE No signature file was specified and no default signature file is available.
7 WSRC_VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUND One of the values you specified exceeds the assigned limits.
8 WSRC_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.
9 WSRC_TIMEOUT_ELAPSED The specified timeout has expired.
10 WSRC_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS Common Inventory Technology is being upgraded and commands are currently not responding.
11 WSRC_FILE_READ_ONLY The output file is read only.
12 WSRC_INIFILE_NOT_FOUND The cit.ini file was not found.
13 WSRC_CITFILE_NOT_FOUND The Common Inventory Technology configuration file was not found.
14 WSRC_CCLOGFILE_NOT_FOUND The file was not found.
15 WSRC_KEY_NOT_FOUND The specified value is incorrect.
16 WSRC_VALUE_NOT_VALID The specified value is not valid.
17 WSRC_KEY_CANNOT_CHANGE The specified key cannot be modified.
18 WSRC_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN The specified file cannot be opened.
19 WSRC_FILE_CANNOT_RENAME The specified file cannot be renamed.
20 WSRC_FILE_CANNOT_DELETE The specified file cannot be deleted
21 WSRC_CITFILE_NOT_VALID The cit.ini file is corrupt.
22 WSRC_CIT_TRACEFILE_NOT_ VALID The trace file is corrupt.
24 WSRC_INVALID_AGE The specified age is incorrect.
25 WSRC_INVALID_TIMEOUT The specified timeout is incorrect.
26 WSRC_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE The specified attribute is incorrect.
27 WSRC_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT The specified output format is not supported.
28 WSRC_CANNOT_LOAD_PROVIDER The required .dll or shared library file is not available.
29 WSRC_QUERY_TIMED_OUT The query has reached the timeout.
30 WSRC_QUERY_FAILED The query has failed.
31 WSRC_PROCESS_INTERRUPTED The process was interrupted.
32 WSRC_NO_CONFIG_NAME No configuration file was specified.
33 WSRC_NO_CONFIG_OPTION No configuration option was specified.
34 WSRC_NO_OUTPUT_NAME No output file was specified.
35 WSRC_NO_PARMS No parameters were specified.
36 WSRC_EMPTY_CONFIG_ELEMENT The configuration file contains an empty element.
37 WSRC_FAILURE An internal error occurred.
38 WSRC_NO_SORT_FIELD_NAME A sort option was specified but no sort criterion was specified.
39 WSRC_INVALID_SORT_FIELD_ NAME The specified sort criterion is incorrect.
40 WSRC_WARNING_FILE_ERROR An error occurred while attempting to create the warning file during a software scan.
41 WSRC_UNABLE_TO_INITALIZE The process initialization failed.
42 SRC_MISSING_XSS_SCHEMA_FILE The signature catalog schema was not found.
45 WSRC_UNABLE_INSTALL_DRIVER The following drivers cannot be installed: CITMDRV_IA64.SYS, CITMDRV_AMD64.SYS, CITMDRV.SYS.
46 WSRC_UNABLE_LOAD_ CITMEMDLL The CITMEM.DLL library cannot be loaded.
47 WSRC_UNABLE_LOAD_SYMBOL_ IN_CITMEM The symbols in the CITMEM.DLL library cannot be loaded.
48 WSRC_UNABLE_READ_ CITMEMDLL The CITMEM.DLL library cannot be read.
49 WSRC_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED Insufficient rights to access the file.
50 WSRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED Insufficient rights to perform the operation.
51 WSRC_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified file or directory does not exist.