Bigfix DB2 Migration into SQL

Currently we have Bigfix application on Linux server with DB2 database and we are planning to migrate Bigfix server from Linux to Windows. So we are locking for database migration steps from DB2 to SQL. Please provide the steps so that we can perform data migration.

I don’t believe the database contents can be migrated.


Yet another reason for BigFix to support DB2 on Windows.

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It would also be cool if there was support for the new MSSQL on Linux.

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How long have you been using the Linux/DB2 root server? How much have you done with it? The less custom content, operators, and actions you have, the less painful starting “fresh” and migrating what you can would be.

What is the reason you want to switch from Linux/DB2 to Windows/MSSQL?

It is very small environement as of now with 200 endpoints connected to currently.

I have less idea of DB2 and more on MSSQL :slight_smile: that 's why wanted to migrate server to windows / MSSQL but if there is no option then i would continue on the same.


How long since you set up this root server?

If there isn’t that much data or console operators, then you could just set up a Windows/MSSQL root server and migrate the bigfix content and then have the clients switch mastheads to talk to the new server. You would loose some of the audit trail and history, but that might not matter for such a small deployment.