Bigfix create custom site rest api xml error

I am making post api to create custom site in bigfix and getting xml pasring error.

Error:XML parsing error: invalid document structure Line 1, Character 1

with open(‘site.xml’, ‘rb’) as xml:
xmldata = ‘’.join(xml.readlines())
r =‘https://{server}:{port}/api/sites’, auth=(’{username}’, ‘{password}’), data=xmldata)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">

I edited your post to put the xml in code tags (the </> symbol in the formatting bar. Hopefully that helps with responses.

I tried with the edited XML its giving me same error.

Hello you xml file works to me. I have used the “iem” CLI to import it quickly:

./iem post /TEM/test_site.xml sites

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> TestSite

The site “TestSite” is successfully created. I suspect it is a problem with the the REST client.