BigFix Console v10 - Odd behavior

Seeing some odd behavior in my recently upgraded console. The % Complete calculation greater than 100% for the BFI policy action Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results ( . It appears that each time the action is completed, on each computer, (every 30 minutes), the numerator is incremented.

Previously, this value never exceeded 100%. Is this “normal” for BFv10 ? Is anyone else seeing this?

I suggest you should get a support ticket open for troubleshooting.

Appears to be a bug, I’ve reported same on my console.


Thanks - it’s weird, for sure. I’ve got a Case open - CS0106805. And I’m on the phone with support right now.

I am also facing the same issue, Did you get any resolution from the support team.

I have 4 clients installed as of now and Run capacity scan fixlet is reflecting 1250% success (50/4).

Is there any ETA from HCL to have a new update for BigFix 10?

We have delayed the upgrade of our Production environments due to this bug and other minor ones. We would like to hear from HCL about the availability of updates to fix this.

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@aram do we have anything we can share on this?

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I’m seeing the same issue.

This is a known issue of the BigFix Console v10.
The fix will be included in BigFix 10 Patch 1, which is tentatively planned for beginning of Q3 (uncommitted plan).


As we are not yet planning to upgrade the bigfix to v10.0.1, will only scanner upgrade help to fix this ?

This is related to BigFix platform and not the BFI tasks, upgrading BigFix platform will fix this.

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Thank you for the confirmation