BigFix Compliance Analytics issues with Install


I’m trying to install BigFix Compliance Analytics in our environment and I seem to be running into a conflict. I’m trying to install it on a server that also has Web Reports and WebUI installed and running. When running the bfc installer on this machine, InstallAnywhere launches, begins to load, then I receive this error message:

Unable to execute the desired program.
Please get another copy of the installer and try again.

I’ve ran the fixlet again to receive a new copy of the installer to no avail. I’ve also tested the installer on a separate machine with no other BigFix software installed, and that seems to launch successfully with no issues.

Is anyone aware of any conflicts with BF Compliance and Web Reports or WebUI that would cause this error? I’d like to get this to install on this server, if I can. The error I’m getting doesn’t give me much information, so I’m hoping someone here has some info.


You may need to open a support ticket to get detailed debug logging from the installer, but at first glance I’d suspect endpoint security software is blocking the installer. Do you have antivirus, CrowdStrike, CarbonBlack, anything along those lines? I’d check their logs to see whether they are terminating the InstallAnywhere process, or Java, as I’ve seen that before.

Also, what OS and version is the server?

And, I forgot to mention, yes you absolutely can use Compliance, WebUI, and Web Reports on the same host, though you’ll need to ensure that each has different ports configured (WebUI by default will be using port 443 so you’ll need to ensure Compliance is configured to use a different port at install time)

Thanks for the reply. OS is Win2016 Server for both servers in question, the one that is failing and the one that isn’t. We do have antivirus and AppLocker in place, however both machines should have the same policies applied to them, so I would expect to see the same results from both. But thanks for this tip, I’ll check to make sure the installer isn’t getting blocked in some way.

Went back and reviewed policy and there was one AppLocker policy not applied to the machine. Corrected that and the install went through without error. Thanks for the guidance!


Glad to hear you were able to get it sorted out!