BigFix compare to Jetpatch

Hello All,

Can anyone tell me disadvantage to using Jetpatch over BigFix?

Manish Singh

Need your expert advice!!

A cursory look at JetPatch shows them having a fairly limited platform - mostly focused on patch with automation.

You realize that BigFix excels at Patch and has an auto patch feature? Did you know that if you need server for patching clusters, that BigFix can also provide that as well? Did you know BigFix also support maintenance windows?

What modules of BigFix do you currently own?

Hello Dan,

I am aware about the Auto Patch and Cluster Patch features we are part of BigFix, Currently we have Patch Management and System lifecycle module.

Manish Singh

I remember talking about Jetpatch with someone else and it basically seemed similar to what BigFix Patch offers but nothing beyond that. BigFix seems to have a way bigger client base and an excellent community.

I made the mistake of goggling them a couple days ago and now every time I am on YouTube or news sites their damn ad comes up. Driving me nuts! Guess I need to clear my cookies :wink:

Yeah correct, it’s irritating and that is the reason I always go for incognito mode for such search… Lol