We’re currently upgrading BigFix clients to a higher version (i.e. from 9.5.8 to 9.5.10), but for some reason majority of the upgraded servers still report old version - 9.5.8 in BigFix console. The issue is there for at least two weeks now, so I guess it won’t update unless there’s some sort of refresh initiated? Could you please let me know if you experienced some similar issues and how it could be solved?
I would check whether the upgrade was actually successful. Can you check the actual version of besclient.exe on the endpoint? I’ve not had a case where it failed to report its version correctly, so I expect there was some error during the upgrade process and the systems are in fact still running 9.5.8 on the endpoint.
I think I have found what’s the issue. I launched analysis called “BES Component Versions” and when it was completed majority of the versions were updated.