BigFix Client Upgrade from V_9.5.3 to V_9.5.10

Hello All,

I have created Fixlet using BigFixAgent.msi and performing the upgrade

  1. Endpoint is getting upgraded successfully and updated version I am able to see in BigFix Console.
  2. But in console - Action status, I am getting failed status and when I cross checked log file it display an error message “command failed (action ended while waiting for another process to complete)

Please help how to get rid of it.
Thanks in advance!!

Manish Singh

Is there a reason you created your own Fixlet for this Client upgrade rather than using the existing v9.5.10 Client upgrade Fixlets in BES Support?

Existing Fixlet is creating a problem were client is broken and communication is interrupted.
That is the reason I created custom Fixlet.

It would be hard for us to guess the issue. You’d need to provide the actionscript, relevance, and success criteria for your custom fixlet.

Action Script :-
folder create c:\Bigfix123
prefetch 8a23c3d7d528d9b5b466b7f3ad13d18c443ce110 sha1:8a23c3d7d528d9b5b466b7f3ad13d18c443ce110 size:12965820 http://XYZ:52311/Uploads/8a23c3d7d528d9b5b466b7f3ad13d18c443ce110/ClientMSI.tmp sha256:a0d4474fa9194e10b1a895a6521a1964f3dabcca346c45081f53f3e5e2dd7f2a
extract 8a23c3d7d528d9b5b466b7f3ad13d18c443ce110 c:\Bigfix123
wait msiexec.exe /i c:\Bigfix123\BigFixAgent.msi /T=TransformList /qn

Action Status and Client Version :-
Action is getting failed at last line but upgrade is completed successfully, Please see the below screenshot :-

Relevance :-

Action Success criteria :-

Kindly suggest!!

I’d suggest changing the Action’s success criteria to ‘the applicability relevance evaluates to false’.

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Sure let me try this out.

Yes, ‘All lines completed successfully’ is failing because the Bigfix Client is restarting in the middle of the action, before the command completes (there’s no good way to avoid that for a client upgrade).

Changing to ‘relevance evaluates to false’ may briefly show the action failed, but that would change to Success when the client re-evaluates the relevance after restarting and finds it to be False.

You also have to change the relevance so it will become false after the upgrade. Add another clause

version of client < version "9.5.10"

I changed the success criteria to ‘the applicability relevance evaluates to false’ - still getting error in log file as “command failed (action ended while waiting for another process to complete)” and in console it shows status as failed but client is successfully upgraded to 9.5.10.

But if the action status still shows failed than we would have to mark our changes ticket as failed which would be concerning.
So, is their any alternative way to bypass and action status can show as completed?

Did you try adding the relevance?

sure , let me try and provide the input.

Thanks @Aram and @JasonWalker , ‘the applicability relevance evaluates to false works and now I can see status as completed in BigFix Console.

In log file it gives command failed (action ended while waiting for another process to complete) which I think can be ignored.

Manish Singh

Last question - Can be do direct upgrade of client from 9.2.x version to 9.5.10

A client at 9.2.5 or higher can be directly upgraded to 9.5.10. See Upgrade From BigFix 9.2.5 to ....?.


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