BigFix Client on an Azure ARO Cluster nodes (RHCoreOS)

The closest topic related to the problem I have was - FYI: Docker content for BigFix - not sure if that was monitored, so raising a new topic.

We have an Azure ARO Kubernetes Cluster and the worker nodes that get created are running Red Hat Core OS. We want to install BigFix Agent (Client, Endpoint) on the worker nodes. But there are multiple issues as I have found.

  • I could not find any BigFix Client installer for RHCoreOS
  • RHCoreOS is a immutable container OS, that does not support / recommend installation of any packages directly on the node

So, wanted to know if I run BigFix on a privileged pod with access to Node PID, IPC, network and filesystem on RHCoreOS and can that agent pick up the needed data from the node ?

Is there any workarounds for these kind of environments ?


We are deploying Red Hat OpenShift containers on RHELCoreOS. HCL says the BigFix Agent is not compatible with CoreOS but it was with the containers on RHEL. Still investigating on how to manage software licenses on this platform.

I know of no solution for this. Discovering software compiled in containers still remains a challenge.