BigFix Client 11.0.2 for AIX

I am using ILMT + BigFix. I have problems installing one of the latest BigFix Client on AIX 7.2 TL5 SP6

So far used besclient 10.0.46 with no problems.
My server was updated to 11.0.2, so I wanted to update the clients, but I noticed that new libc++.rte is required (link), that is currently not installed on my system.

So far as I know, mentioned libraries are the component of IBM XL C/C++ which is a paid packet. If I am not mistaken, how can I install BESClient 11.0.2 on my AIX without any compliance issues?

Thank you for support.
Best regard.

Only IBM XLC/C++ compiler is paid for, while runtimes are free of charge.
See “XL C++ runtime environment filesets” IBM documentation for details.
You can download the runtime version you need (as described in the doc you linked) from either Fix Central or from the “Latest updates for supported IBM C and C++ compilers” page.
You’ll have to login to the IBM portal (a free of charge IBMid is enough) to download the runtime package.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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