Bigfix Application Monitoring

Do we have any option to monitor Bigfix application because the requirement is business need application performance report along with historical performance report so that they can compare the report with older one.

Thanks in advance.


Can you provide more details on exactly what your monitoring requirements are? You seem to be looking for some type of performance monitoring, but it is not clear from the above.

Are you looking to monitor the BigFix Server components, or the UI, or the Relays, or the Clients? And in what capacity?

Actually Aram I am looking Bigfix Server components, Relay and SQL monitoring report so that we can present to the business for monitoring purpose along with historical report for the same component.

This report purpose is show all component is working fine and ability to see the historical report for the same component.

Thank you for the context.

In that case, I’d recommend checking out the following reference:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Performance%20&%20Capacity%20Planning

Both the Capacity Planning, and in particular, the MX Performance Toolkit are worth reviewing.

Thanks Aram,

I gone through the given link and found one document for MX performace tool kit for Bigfix, but some confusion on this utility to run and fetch the report, possible to share any example report and way to run this utility.