BigFix AirGap Tool Upgrade


We are currently running the BESAirgapTool version 9.5.15. Our BigFix server is at the current version 10.0.6. Are there improvements or new features with the latest version of the BESAirgapTool? I haven’t been able to find any information about this.

You want to run the version that is the same as your platform version. The AirGap tool does inserts into the DB so it should be the same version and there are always improvements

Thank you. When we import the airgap response file we do us the same version 10.0.6 as the server but the creation of the airgap response is using version 9.5.15. Do you know where I could find a list of new options/features/bug fixes. I would be interested in any new functionality in the airgap response creation process.