BigFix Action - Waiting

Has anyone seen this? I have an action where I’ve specified to download the files immediately but put in a time window to actually run the action (install). On the client I can see that the files were downloaded but all I see over and over in the logs is this line:

ActionLogMessage: (group:122938,action122939) Distributed - time has arrived

It seems like it recognizes the time window has arrived for the install but then never runs. Has anyone seen this before? I’m wondering should I just create two separate fixlets - one to download the files and one to run the installer?

Are you sure all the files have downloaded? I would guess that the client didn’t have enough room in its PreStage cache to download all the files prior to the action start time. If that happens, then the action won’t start even when the start time has been reached. This will be changing in 9.5.11, but for now you’ll need to increase your PreStage cache size.

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