Bigfix action re-initiate automatically if action status showing Invalid signature

I am looking for any automation through which action get re-initiate if action status showing “invalid Signature” . Please help me…


Can we have any update on this please.
Basically Jai and my concern is if action failed we have a option of re-try option which can be set from execution tab.
Same if we initiate the action and it status is shown as error/ invalid signature. Is, their any automatic option to re-initiate Or re-try option within gap of 10 minutes.

Any update/ guidance will be appreciated.

Manish Singh

Have you identified the underlying reason why you’re seeing action statuses of Invalid Signatures? I’d suggest that it would be better to address the issue rather than build automation to workaround the issue…

We were not able to find the root cause but when ever we will restart the client service, issue seems to be fixed.
So, can be do something like check invalid signature, if yes than restart the client and re-deploy the action.

I think server automation plan can be useful here but we can’t use it because we have to change entire patching workflow.

Any suggestion plz!!

You need to create a script by using perl/powershell/shell and rest api to read the master action and child action info and then set it into cron tab or task scheduler or use any automation tool which runs on a interval to read the action status and in case of failure retrigger the action with same fixlet.

However this is not certain that after retriggering the action, action will be completed or fixed.

If this is happening with any regularity, I think you should continue investigating to find a root cause.
My guess would be an antivirus program locking or manipulating your content under __BESData on the client. Have you excluded those folders from your antivirus?

Yes, we have excluded the bigfix directory from symantec anti antivirus.
We are currently looking at the root cause but we wanted to have some workaround till the issue is found and fixed.