BigFix 9.5 relevance based on MS Edge default PDF viewer

April 2021 cumulative updates for Windows 10 v1909 removed the legacy version of Edge and installed the new Edge Chromium browser. In the process, it reset the default app associations from Chrome as a browser and from Adobe as default PDF viewer to the new Edge Chromium. Is there a relevance statement that will show “true” if the .pdf app association was changed to Edge? Some people in the environment have elected to set Edge Chromium as their default browser, so I want to only target those that have had default pdf associations changed. thanks!

From what I can see, the cmd assoc .pdf will show the association so you could capture that as a parameter and then target the parameter with the exact match for the one you need.

Thank you for the reply, but it appears to not report accurately. When I run the .cmd assoc .pdf it comes back with Adobe. If I open a .pdf on the same computer it opens in Edge. Default apps settings by file type also show Edge as default for .pdf. I did find the registry entry that’s referenced, but it’s under HKCU <-- not my strongest suit when it comes to BigFix. Can someone help me with the correct syntax? Registry Path: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts.pdf\UserChoice Key: ProgId Value: MSEdgePDF

edit: for some reason the “” between FileExts and .pdf shows up in my post edit but not in actual post so there’s a \ missing in the path.

For HKCU BigFix uses HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT if I remember correctly as running as Current User can’t really be done

Check this page out though, it should help with the logged in user at least.

try this

exists values whose (name of it as string = "ProgId" and it as string contains "MSEdgePDF") of keys "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pdf\UserChoice" of (user key of logged on user) of registry

If your using the fixlet debugger, make sure to set

Evaluate>Evaluate Using>Local Client


This is great! Is there a way to do it with the mailto client as well? I want to change the default mailto app from Mail to Outlook globally as an example but need relevance for it.

Edit (found it! for anyone else that may need it):

exists values whose (name of it as string = "ProgId" and it as string does not contain "Outlook") of keys "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\mailto\UserChoice" of (user key of logged on user) of registry