BigFix 11 Migration Error

During the installation of the BigFix Server on the target Server 2022 host, we encountered an error when it ran the BigFix Administration Tool:

class NoAuthorizedSignature (Digest Algorithm "sha384" not allowed or invalid)

This occured immediately after the start of re-signing user data.

Has anyone encountered this before?

The source system is running Server 2016, and was successfully upgraded to BigFix v11.0.2 prior to attempting the migration.

As a follow up for anyone watching this thread: the error was due to an old masthead in the BigFix Installers folder(s). Once we replaced it with the current version, the migration of BigFix completed successfully.


Thanks for posting back! Now that you have the solution that does make sense to me but I wasn’t thinking of the error message in the correct way.

I was taking ‘sha384 not allowed’ to be a limitation on BESAdmin.exe (thinking there might be multiple copies / old copy in path), but I can see now the meaning is ‘sha384 is not allowed by the algorithm list in the masthead’, as an older version’s masthead would not have the sha384 algorithms in the list.

That is what it turned out to be. The masthead in the Installers folder was from before the BF11 upgrade, and it had no mention of SHA384.

I am surprised that upgrading the Installation folders didn’t write a new masthead as well.