BigFix MCM v1.0.1 release comes with the following updates:
- Optimization and performance enhancements
- MCM server is now supported on RHEL 8
- Auditing for MDM actions, policy creation / editing, and deploying BigFix agents
- Ability for users to create kernel extension whitelisting policies with bundleIDs that have “-” and “_” characters
- Additional protections for device wipe to only deploy to one device at a time, to minimize operator error
- Improved error / handling on policy creation / editing pages with more than one panel
- Added validation for siteIDs in policy creation / editing to align NMO permissions with established security model
- Upgrade Fixlets are now available through the BigFix Console to simplify the upgrade process
For detailed information, please see What’s new in this release section of the MCM Admin guide.
Published site version:
BigFix Modern Client Management, site version 16
How to upgrade
Upgrade MDM Server and MDM Plugin version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.1 by using the relevant Upgrade Fixlets that are available in the BESUEM site.
MCM documentation Link
– BigFix MCM team