BigFix 10.0.8 | Upgraded from 10.0.5 - with Internal CA SSL Certificate - The BigFix Client on the Root Server showing the following error: Error " RegisterOnce: Relay does not support secure registration."


BigFix 10.0.8 | Upgraded from 10.0.5 - with Internal CA SSL Certificate - The BigFix Client on the Root Server showing the following error: Error " RegisterOnce: Relay does not support secure registration."

I’ve done as suggested on the following blog:

and set the _BESRelay_HTTPServer_UseSSLFlag = 0 and then Restart the BES Root Server Service.
It allowed the BES Client to be able to register itself in the system

I want to allow HTTPS communication with REST API communication.
I’ve checked the Certificate itself it worked fine with the 10.0.5 version

What happened?

The same internal CA certificate is used successfully in the Web Reports and WebUI after the upgrade.

we created the “KB0102545 : Upgrading to BF server 10.0.8 local client and clients reporting directly to the BF server may not register successfully” for this issue and we are working on it.
In order to continue tu use the HTTPS customisation for RESTAPI you can implement the following work around:

On the BigFix server run the following steps:

  1. temporarily set the _BESRelay_HTTPServer_UseSSLFlag client setting value to ‘0’ to disable HTTPS customisation for RESTAPI
  2. restart the BigFix server
  3. run the command: “BESAdmin.exe /minimumSupportedRelay=0.0.0”
  4. verify that every affected client takes the new masthead (local client and client directly reporting to the BF server)
  5. restore the _BESRelay_HTTPServer_UseSSLFlag client setting value to ‘1’ to enable HTTPS customisation for RESTAPI
  6. restart the BigFix server

Thanks @ematteag , checked it and it worked.