Big-IP Edge Client Relevance issue

Hi all

I’m looking to deploy a modified update for our BIG-IP Edge Client users and although the following relevance has whittled down users that have this app installed, it is still missing 30 or so and i feel my script below is incorrect somewhere.
Unfortunately as the application version is not changing then i cannot add this into the relevance criteria below.
My new modified client has the F5InspectorService where as previously this has not been added.

exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\F5 VPN” and not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\F5InspectorService}” of registry

Another question please.

The Big-IP Edge client installs silently and unfortunately implements an auto restart even with Post-Action set to “Do nothing after action completes”

Is there a way round to stop the auto restart from occurring?


exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\F5 VPN”

1st you are trying to look for folder for your related app but on other side you are trying to do opposite search not exists key !!! are you sure that folder will exists but key will not ?

OR may be since you are trying to just upgrade your app with different service name.

not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\F5InspectorService}” of registry

apart from that you have curly bracket in your 2nd registry key lookup, you need to correct that.

if your service is listed already in services you can simply do something like -

not exists service "F5InspectorService" whose (version of it >= "1.0.1") (for install & upgrade both)
not exists service "F5InspectorService" (for install only)

For this you need to check the available switches within your installer like with MSI we have /qn /norestart

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Thanks VK. I was able to solve my relevance problem with your suggestion of using the service to go against.

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