Big Fix Console IE EOL

Will the Windows Big Fix console operate if the IE application is disabled with the IE end of life on June 15, 2022?

That’s actually very good question. A lot of the javascript based fixlets/dashboards/etc in the console produce IE-based pop-ups and errors, so is there an IE dependency there?

The latest I have from the Platform team is that we are not expecting impacts from the retirement of IE 11. Although it won’t be usable for web browsing, the DLLs and objects that we are using will remain in place and are should be usable until at least 2029.

I’m asking for an official KB to be published on this and will post back when I see it.


Please see the HCL KB:

Looks like there is/was a known issue, and may not be fixed yet?

The status is ‘designated’ not ‘resolved’ but appears in the 10.0.5 change list?

Also the DLLs are only loaded if the IE Feature was enabled once, i believe

  • I also believe based on reading that in order to get updates to the DLLs, IE needs to be enabled to patch with IE patches as they are released.

@dang here is recent article that was just published regarding this topic:
No impact on BigFix Console when Internet Explorer will go End-of-Life

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