BFI Last Scan Attempt

From where does BFI get the value for property “Last Scan Attempt”.

If you mean Time of Last Scan Attempt, this property is defined in the Software Scan Status analysis, and is derived from the contents file called

You can find this file in the \LMT\CIT on machines where the scanner is installed and running. After the scan completes, the scanner writes the timestamp into the file.

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Hi, No not the Time of Last Scan Attempt, the “Last Scan Attempt”, you can see this in the failed software scans report. I could not find out from where that value comes. Couldn’t find any mapped property on BF or customer properties on BFI with that name.

The source of data for Last Scan Attempt, which is shown in your local time zone, is the BigFix Computer property Time of Last Scan Attempt, which is in UTC.

I don’t have any explanation for the difference in the names between the two systems. Chalk it up to a developer preference, perhaps.