I assumed the “All Metrics” report would show me the correct RVU requirement for our BigFix environment but I’m finding that it doesn’t.
Last month it showed 856 “RVU Managed Activated Processor Cores Full Capacity” for IBM BigFix Inventory. This month, after I added a number of Hyper-V hosts that number dropped to 804. And when I click to see the detail none of the Hyper-V servers are listed, only our Hyper-V servers and a number of Linux servers.
When we first purchased BigFix, we did a calculation with IBM and our RVU requirement was about 4000 so that’s what we purchased. But this report is showing that we bought way more than we actually needed? Or it’s not showing the true requirement?
Is there a way to get IBM BigFix Patch included on this report or would the counts for BigFix Inventory be the same?
What is the version of BigFix infrastructure including agents? The latest BigFix has been rebranded as HCL BigFix in the Catalog and will not show up under IBM reporting. Check All Metrics report to verify if HCL BigFix counts are present
The BigFix infrastructure and clients are on version 10.0.1. BFI shows version 10.0.2.
When I filter the All Metrics report on “publisher contains HCL” I get no results. If I filter on “product name contains BigFix” I get IBM BigFix Inventory.
Usually only the BigFix Agent is chargeable towards the Metric (RVU or Managed Devices). If you see BigFix Inventory product name in the report, the BigFix clients are probably bundled with that product. This can be verified from Reports-> Software Classification.
Go to Reports -> Software Classification
Click Configure view, select “Charged”, “Partition Cores” columns for display and filter by Component Name contains “BigFix” to see which components with Charged=Yes are contributing to the Metric calculation for the Product in the display. Any thing with Charge=Yes and Partition cores > 0 will be included in the Metric calculation.
Publisher Name: IBM
Component Name: IBM BigFix Platform Agent
Component Version: 9.5
Product Name: IBM BigFix Inventory
Metric: RVU MAPC
Everything else is either “No” (the primary and DSA BigFix servers) or “N/A”.
If I select one of the ones listed as N/A and try to assign it to “BigFix Patch” I see 6 that have RCU MAPC as the Metric but the versions are 8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.5. Not 10.x which is what we’re using.
Note: This is more licensing question. If you are still reporting the BigFix RVU metrics to IBM, please reach out to your IBM contact for further clarification on the versions.
Question: Do you see any BigFix 10 Agents reporting in Software Classification? If so what Metric Type and Charged do they show?
If the Choose from Catalog option for BigFix agents give BigFix 9.5 Patch product, assign them to the 9.5 BigFix patch with shared option to calculate the RVUs for both BFI and Patch products
Check if the BigFix 10 agent can be assigned to BigFix Inventory 10 product and when prompted make it as chargeable component. This should report RVUs for the BigFix Inventory.
As for sharing the BigFix Agent 10 with BigFix 9.5 Patch, I will check with our HCL Catalog team and will post an update
My mistake, I was looking at Component Version in my BFI when I had checked.
Select BFI 9.5 Product version to assign the agents. Also, to share the BigFix Agent with BigFix Patch, after clicking Assign -> Choose from Catalog, uncheck “List products for which the component is listed as a bundling option”, select BigFix Patch 9.5 and click share.