Bfi & icd 7.6 (itic-

Dear Team,

I have implemented the new infra for customer with BFI- & ICD-7.6 with ITIC

  1. Created successful DS for BFI and ICD.
  2. Able to open DS with data.
  3. After open mapping, its seems some fields are non-existence (attached screenshot)
  4. Trying to run the (./ “BFI-ICD” maximo maxadmin bigfix Admin098! maximo maxadmin), its giving me syntax error (./ line 144: syntax error: unexpected end of file) . (attached screenshot)

I am stuck on this step, not moving forward. Nothing seen in fusion.log regarding executing the command. Gone through all docs, command is same.

Even i have been tried with propertirs file, but error still same.

[root@icdsrv bin]#
[root@icdsrv bin]# ./ “BFI-ICD” maximo maxadmin bigfix Admin098! maximo maxadmin
./ line 144: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[root@icdsrv bin]#

[root@icdsrv bin]# cat
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IBM Tivoli Integration Composer
// Properties that can be encrypted with encryptCommandLine.bat/sh
// Do not surround user names and/or passwords with single or double quotes.
// If the database user name and/or passwords have spaces the utility will
// still encrypt and execute the mapping without quotes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

[root@icdsrv bin]#

[root@icdsrv bin]#
[root@icdsrv bin]# ./
./ line 144: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[root@icdsrv bin]#

Your command should look like the following:

./ -f /path/to/

note the “-f”, and you may also need to include the full path to the properties file.

Hi Thanks, for your reply. I have also tested the same but no luck.

[root@icdsrv bin]# ./ -f
./ line 144: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[root@icdsrv bin]#

Please retry with the full path to the file included in the command line. Something like:

./ -f /root/Integration_Composer/bin/

If you have installed ITIC somewhere else, then use that path.

Still same, I am assuming this error is coming due to wrong selection of FSN file.

Here what I have, can you suggest which I need to use for Hardware Inventory & Software Inventory.

@pawan_km Yes - that would appear to be a problem. I am going to be fairly verbose in my response for any future searchers that may come across this post…

Did you install ITIC using the setup.exe from the Fix Pack? It has a file date of 14 Sep 2017 and a time of 14:21.

You need to request (via PMR) from IBM the latest hot fix for ITIC, which is not available on Fix Central. It was ITIC7.6.0.3_HF2, in March 2018, when I requested it. This zip file contained an updated IntegrationComposer7603.jar file with a file date of 23 Jan 2018 and a time of 11:42. This updated jar file is required in order for ITIC to authenticate with BFI v9.2.11.

Steps to create a BigFix to ICD hardware mapping:

  1. Create, and test the connection to, a data source using the IBM BigFix Data Schema, with an IBM Endpoint Manager and SUA API Connection Method (I named it BFP, for BigFix Platform).
  2. Create, and test the connection to, a data source using the Deployed Assets 7.x Data Schema, with the appropriate JDBC Driver Connection Method (I named it DPA, for DePloyed Assets).
  3. Create an empty mapping (I named it BF-HW2DPA) with a source of BFP and a target of DPA, and import the IEM90ToDPA75.fsn mapping file. It has a file date of 14 Sep 2017 and a time of 17:20. Click on Select Action, Show Errors. This should result in no errors found. Next, Select Action, Save.

Steps to create a BFI to ICD Software Mapping

  1. Create, and test the connection to, a data source using the IBM BigFix Inventory Data Schema, with an IBM Endpoint Manager and SUA API Connection Method (I named it BFI, for BigFix Inventory).
  2. Create an empty mapping (I named the mapping BF-SW2DPA) with a source of BFI and a target of DPA, and import the BigFixInventoryToDPA75.fsn mapping file. It has a file date of 14 Sep 2017 and a time of 17:20. (Do not use the mapping file BigFixInventory2x__90ToDPA75.fsn) Click on Select Action, Show Errors. This should result in no errors found. Next, Select Action, Save.

This should result in a set of mappings that will run from the command line.


Thank you very much, we have resolved the issue with the help of PMR. We received the updated file and its fixed.

Glad I could help you with this.