BFExtractToCSV.exe 0.3.9 error following SSO integration

Before enabling SSO, we were able to use the BFExctactToCSV.exe tool to download data from Web Reports via an automated script. After enabling SSO, this tool fails with an error (shown at the bottom of this post).


  1. Has the BFExtractToCSV.exe tool been designed to work in an SSO environment, even when a local account is being used to access Web Reports?
  2. If not, will that functionality be added at some point?

Error message shown by BFExtractToCSV.exe:

C:\Users\erowley\Downloads\BFExtractToCSV>BFExtractToCSV.exe -U “erowley” -P “password” -webreports “https://webreports.customer.
org/login/webreports” -CustomQuery “number of bes computers”
[Thu Sep 20 15:59:30 2018] [INFO] Running extractData.exe version 0.3.9
[Thu Sep 20 15:59:30 2018] [INFO] Connecting to webreports at https://webreports.customer.
[Thu Sep 20 15:59:32 2018] [ERROR] Could not create SOAP Service handler: 500 SS
L negotiation failed: at /<C:\Users\erowley\Downloads\BFExtractToCSV\BFEx
tractToCSV.exe> line 23 at /<C:\Users\erowley\Downloads
\BFExtractToCSV\BFExtractToCSV.exe> line 27, line 165.

Please confirm that this is the correct web reports URL.
[Thu Sep 20 15:59:32 2018] [ERROR] Terminating Excecution

I have SAML enabled in my environment and I am able to use BFExtractToCSV using a BigFix Local user rather than a Domain user.

when you specify your Server URL, be sure to specify it as https://{yourserver}/webreports

I just ran the following …
C:\Holding\BFExtract>BFExtractToCSV.exe -WEBREPORTS https://{myWebReportServer}/webreports -WRuser {user} -WRPassword {password} -COMPUTERINFO

[Mon Sep 24 10:59:37 2018] [INFO]  Running extractData.exe version 0.3.9
[Mon Sep 24 10:59:37 2018] [INFO]  Connecting to webreports at https://myserver/webreports
[Mon Sep 24 10:59:39 2018] [INFO]  Loading Query Data.
[Mon Sep 24 10:59:39 2018] [INFO]  Processing relevance...
[Mon Sep 24 11:00:24 2018] [INFO]  48429 rows found.
[Mon Sep 24 11:00:24 2018] [INFO]  Creating CSV file.
[Mon Sep 24 11:00:25 2018] [INFO]  Csv file successfully created:
    File: ComputerInfo.csv
    Size: 11590868
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