Besserver dead but subsys locked

besserver dead but subsys locked error prompted while installing bigfix server on RHEL 7
any help ?

Google is your friend :wink: Google (or your preferred search engine) the error and you get a link back to this KB article.

If the support article doesn’t help, provide some additional details:
What is BigFix version and DB2 version?
Are all prerequisites verified?

There could be some other reason the Server process gets stopped incorrectly.

BigFix Version: 9.5.63
DB2 Version: 11.5

Is there a reason to install older version (
Are you using it for ILMT or other BigFix applications? If for ILMT, please open a support case with IBM. Otherwise open a support case with HCL BigFix

yes i will use ILMT but till now i just started installing Bigfix on DB2 and need to install this version

The DB2 version is not supported with that version of the BigFix platform


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