BESGather download cache limit and actual disk space utilization

We were having issues with a couple of our relays taking up too much disk space. The solution (I thought) was to set the _BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB. I set it to 60GB, but the relay is still using over 100GB of space for relay cache.

How do I get the server to “flush” the old cache contents to get it down to using the limit of 60GB?

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I’m not sure when the cleanup triggers. Has the relay been rebooted?

It hasn’t but I can try to do so. I changed the setting 2-3 weeks ago.

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Hmm, I would have expected it to get cleaned up by now.

It is the case that if you have more than 60GB worth of downloads for actions that are currently open and active then it could use more than 60GB of space for that reason I think… but that seems very unlikely.

If a reboot doesn’t fix it, I might recommend trying to just delete all the files in the cache folder and have it repopulate and I would hope it would stick to 60GB max from there.

I think there is also a relay cache status SQLite db file somewhere you could make a copy of and inspect if you wanted, but I don’t know that will help much either.


BigFix Gather will cache downloaded files on the BigFix Server or BigFix Relay computer so that the file will not need to be downloaded again if the action is reissued. This setting will specify how many MB to cache before overwriting the old files. When the cache is full, the least recently used files will be replaced. This setting requires a restart of the BES Relay Service.


The reboot did indeed clear out the extra space utilization on one of the relays. I restarted the relay service this morning on 2 more but nothing seems to be gained back regarding disk space. I am going to reboot those 2 tonight to see if that does it.

Edit: The restart of the relay service worked it just took some time.

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That makes sense that it would take a bit of time.

Good catch :slight_smile: