BESClientUI on application presentation Citrix servers - best practice?

(imported topic written by RSeymour91)


I have read a number of articles on the forum regarding BESClientUI on Citrix servers but none match my situation exactly, so I am looking for deployment best practice advice. We are running BigFix v8.1.608.0.

We are building a Citrix environment that will be used purely to deliver published applications to end users PCs - it will not be hosting desktop sessions. Whenever an application is launched a session is started on the Citrix server and BESClientUI is started within that session which does not close gracefully when the application is closed. As a result there is no traditional user interface for the BES popup to appear in.

As such should we disable BESClientUI, add it to the Citrix ‘kill’ list, or is this all academic now as as more modern releases of BigFix/Tivoli Endpoint Manager do not have this restriction any more? I am keen to avoid losing restart control of the Citrix Application servers if the BESClientUI service is not running (see BenKus’s comment in “BESClientUI.exe on terminal server” posted Nov 07, 2007 11:17:24 AM).
