BES Utilities

(imported topic written by jpeppers91)

Has the Expired Computer and BES duplicate remover tools been consolidated into one?


(imported comment written by SY57_Jim_Montgomery)

Here’s a follow-up question:

Is the BigFix Computer Remover supported to run on Windows 2008, as a scheduled task?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

We are running it on Windows 2008 64 bit. Not sure if it is supported though.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Yes. Yes. That’s OK.

Are you seeing any issues?


(imported comment written by SY57_Jim_Montgomery)

We want to run it weekly as a scheduled task with a service account. We get some access denied problems when testing with that account, even though he’s admin on the box. He’s not allowed to restart filldb. We thought it may be UAC, but it looks like its turned off. We run it manually with our admin accounts for now.

I don’t know enough about how Win 7 and Win 2008 run processes securely. I don’t think its a tool problem; its our configuration/understanding of Win 2008 problem.


(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Has this been answered?

Has the Expired Computer and BES duplicate remover tools been consolidated into one?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Yes. They have been consolidated. (That was my first “yes” in post #4.)


(imported comment written by manjukris91)

Hi. I am new using BESComputerRemover.exe. I tried deleting computers which has IsDeleted=1. But this doesn’t seem to delete. The following is the log. Everytime I run, I get the same log message. Please let me know if i am missing something.

START: BESComputerRemover v. started at: Thu Mar 25 15:05:46 2010

No time specified for deletion of Expired Computers, defaulting to 30 days.

No time specified for deletion of Deleted Computers, defaulting to 90 days.

  • Duplicate Computers *

Total Number of Duplicate Computers: 1

  • NotReported Computers *

Total Number of NotReported Computers: 0

  • Expired Computers *

Expiration Period: 30 Days

Total Number of Expired Computers: 4

  • Deleted Computers *

Expiration Period: 90 Days

Total number of Computers affected: 2

Number of rows in ACTIONRESULTS table: 1

Number of rows in QUESTIONRESULTS table: 652

Number of rows in LONGQUESTIONRESULTS table: 0

Number of rows in FIXLETRESULTS table: 277

Number of rows in COMPUTER_ADMINISTRATORS table: 0

Number of rows in COMPUTER_COMMENTS table: 0

Total Number of Rows for Deleted Computers: 930

END: BESComputerRemover completed at: Thu Mar 25 15:05:47 2010

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Check out the instructions at:

I think you want to use -d, -n, or -e.


(imported comment written by mbp911)

I am looking for a solution that allows me to delete computers from the database older than X days. The Bes Computer Remover does this efficiently and can be used as a sheduled task, however, I need to be a bit more targeted. I would like to perform a deletion using a group(s). Is there anything in terms of a sql script that may accomodate this? Is there any plans to include this in a new revision of the tool.

Also, I have used the revised Bes Computer Remover in our QA TEM 8.1 environment and see that passing the days doesn’t seem to work correctly. I attempted to remove machines that have not reported in 15 days and noticed that it only deleted machines greater than 30.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

How about just pick the group in the console and sort by last report time and right-click delete the computers?


(imported comment written by mbp911)

Ultimately, a tool or script that can have machines passed to it to mark it as “Is deleted†would be perfect. We routinely review our clients to verify if the machine is valid or if it is orphaned using AD and other sources. Using this method we could utilize the BES Computer Remover to delete on “Is Deleted†Machines rather than all machines based on a specified number of days.

(imported comment written by jdefilip)

I’m using the following as a scheduled task:

BESComputerRemover- -u -p -A -f -l -L . -D -C -T 90 -t 60

I’m having issues though after upgrading the environment to 9.0.777.0.

Taken directly from the page I linked to in the previous posting …

This tool will perform database operations for the following sets of data:

Duplicate Computers - Marks older computers as deleted if a computer exists with the same computer name.

NotReported Computers - Marks computers as deleted if there are no property results being reported and schedules a full refresh for the computer.

Expired Computers - Marks computers as deleted if they have not reported in recently.

Deleted Computers - Physically removes computer data from the database for computers that are already marked as deleted and have not reported in for a long period of time.

I use a batch file with the following line … BESComputerRemover- -f -l -L . -D -c -T 180 -t 90

It runs silently (-f)

Standard output goes to a log file (-l)

I specify the folder to create the logs in (-L)

It removes duplicate computers based on Computer Name. (-D)

It removes Computers that have not reported in 90 days. (-t)

It purges Computer data for computers that have not reported for 180 days. (-T)

I don’t want the tool to waste time counting the rows it will delete. (-c)

All of the optional arguments are spelled out on the page.

-h : Displays this help message

-? : Displays this help message

-help : Displays help message for installing this tool as a service.

-f : Runs in silent mode. No standard output and script runs automatically to completion.

-l : Sends standard out to logfile created in the directory of this application with name BESComputerRemover.log

-L : Specify a folder to create logs in. Do not include a file name.

-d : Used to specify a DSN to connect to the BES Database with. Defaults to bes_bfenterprise if not specified

-u : Used to specify a username for SQL authentication to the database.

-p : Used to specify a password for SQL authentication to the database.

-A : Run all database cleaning operations.

-D : Mark Duplicate Computers as deleted. -N : Specify a text file with computer names to be deleted. -P : Use the specified retrieved property to find duplicate computers, like “Mac Address”. (Default “Computer Name”)

-n : Mark NotReported Computer as deleted.

-e : Mark Expired Computers as deleted.

-t : Specify the number of days after which an Expired Computer will be marked as deleted. (Default 30)

-E : Remove data from the database for Deleted Computers.

-T : Specify the number of days after which computers marked as deleted will have their data removed. (Default 90)

-c : Do NOT count data before deleting.

-b : Performs database deletion operations in batches of this size. The tool will pause between batches until the user presses a key (unless run in silent mode with -f).