BES Relay Version

This is new…

The Relevance reports correctly on the Relay itself but in Web Reports and the Console is reports .

Q: if exists relay service then if (version of client >= "8.0") then version of relay service else version of file ((if (character 0 of it = "%22") then (substring between "%22" of it) else it) of image path of relay service) else version "0"
T: 244.476 ms

And to add… No status showing in Deployment Overview

Saw this also. The BES Components Versions analysis is missing for some reason. I reported it to dev and created a support case. edit I did not notice the relay report info missing so there may be other pieces of content missing. I’ll look into it.

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Thank you for the confirmation! Please share your finding if you can when they report back. :heart_eyes:

Will do. I just updated my note to include the other items you mentioned. I see the same thing.

an internal issue has been opened and we will update as soon as possible.
Dave Langridge

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Glad it’s not just me. :slight_smile:

once it is fixed there will be a site update to resolve it for everyone.

It is now fixed with BES Support site version 1,426.

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