I’m trying to use the REST API (/api/query) to pull back all the properties and values of specific bes computers.
((concatenation of names of properties of it as string & "|!|" & concatenation of (if analysis flag of properties of it=True then names of source analysis of properties of it else "global")) of it & "|!|" & concatenation of values of it) of property results of (bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase = "server1"))
But I have some analysis properties (like one that reads the configured Time Zone in Windows by reading the registry) that the value has bad characters (i.e. UTC?2lS???2S???54?5?S?S?2???5???44O4 H4?5?O4?S?54?5?2???4???4?5Z??5?S??5O44O4). When the query against the API runs, the results break the response because something in the analysis property value breaks the XML.
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 94 at column 66: Char 0x0 out of allowed range
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Is there a way to filter out the bad characters somehow, rather than excluding the properties by name from the query?