Hello, I have a question about setting the download cache on the Main BigFix Server (Windows Server 2016).
I know how to do it on relays. And I have set up about 5 relays so far. But if I set it on the main (and only) BigFix server, does that limit the entire patch repository? (does that make sense?)
I have a 1TB of space for my main BigFix server to store fixlets and updates. But I have the “BES Relay / BES Server Setting: Download Cache Size” set to 30gb on that server.
Does that setting limit only the cache for distribution to the relays, OR limit the overall amount of files that the Main server will store locally?
Because I’ve got the space, and would like to store locally.
Also, what is the real world reasonable Download Cache Size for relays? I’ve been setting at 10gb on the relays I have set up so far.
Hopefully when you installed your BES, you located the wwwrootbes on another disk; that holds all the cache. The Computer Setting for that path is: _BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath
The caches on the BES is the same as any relay, Computer Setting "_BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB
I set my BES to 153600 (150GB), my Top Level Relays to 50GB, and all others to 25GB.
Yes, the wwwrootbes folder is on the D drive that’s 1TB in size.
So, anything that is gathered from IBM, fixlets files, etc is stored in that folder, and the size of it is controlled by the cache limit set on the main BES server, correct? So, considering that, I’m thinking 400 or 500gb is a good place to start.
I just wasn’t clear if BigFix gathered files to a separate folder and then just cached out to another folder to deploy the needed files to the relays on the network. So my cache folder is my patch repository on the main BES server. Got it.
I’m still getting used to how BigFix works… I’m running WSUS in parallel until I can get everything up and running on BigFix. My WSUS has about 300GB downloaded patches.