BES Losing DB connection

(imported topic written by bchase)


I havent posted in a long time, but I have ran into an issue with our console. Randomly, I will get error saying that it has lost connection to the Sql server, and that the console has to be closed. Down in the bottom right on the icon the SQL connection goes red for half a second and then resumes to green.

Anyone else having this issue? I can’t seem to find a solution on the net.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi bchase,

If the icon goes to red, I think that means that the service is stopping and staring… Do you think that maybe there is a scheduled task of some sort that might be doing this? You might check the Windows scheduled tasks or the SQL Server maintenance tasks/logs…


(imported comment written by ErnieF91)

I have the same issue when I VPN into my desktop that has the Console running from home. The RDP protocal must reset something that the Bigfix Console is using.

(imported comment written by murtasma91)


The RDP protocal must reset something that the Bigfix Console is using.

We are having this same problem in our envrioment as well. Has anyone else out there run into this issue before? Has anyone done any testing with running the console on a workstation vs a terminal server? We have this problem on all our terminal servers, it seems to crop up most often when the sesion isn’t getting actively used. When you return you will see this databse error on the screen.