Need some clearification with deploying “BigFix Inventory” in our lab. I see that in 9.2.1, BES Inventory and License was rebranded to BigFix Inventory. I’m running BES 9.5.4 and in my License Overview dashboard, it still calls out “BES Inventory and License”, which I just enabled and subscribed all our servers too.
I now want to deploy the server software and am following this: IBM Documentation
…but in the fixlet and tasks list in the site, there is no fixlet for “Download IBM BigFix Inventory”. It seems like the site that I have is not the full site of “BigFix Inventory”. Any suggestions?

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You are looking at the “BES Inventory and License” site which is included in BigFix Lifecycle and BigFix Inventory. This is a “light” inventory site for providing basic hardware/software information about a system.
You’re looking specifically for IBM BigFix Inventory which is separate. In the BigFix Management domain under “License Overview” you should find a section called “Inventory”
This will have both BES Inventory and License as well as, “IBM BigFix Inventory v9” in it. You want to activate IBM BigFix Inventory v9.
If IBM BigFix Inventory v9 is not listed then your license does not contain the Inventory license entitlement and you need to look in your IBM BigFix Subscribenet license center to adjust your license allocation, contact your business partner, or contact BigFix licensing support.
Hi, that’s was I assumed but wasn’t sure. This wiki article makes it sounds like it is just a rebranding and not a different license -!/wiki/Tivoli+Endpoint+Manager/page/Software+Use+Analysis
I’ll have to check out our licensing. thanks.
Previously it was called, “Software Usage Analysis” – the rebranding was from Software Usage Analysis to IBM BigFix Inventory.
Thanks for the clarification.
How can I use lifecycle to get information of installed software. For example I want to know, which machines have google chrome installed for instance.