BES integration with asset management tools and CMDBs?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hello everyone,

I was wondering how many customers have done some integration work with BigFix and used our data in conjunction with another asset management tool or a change management databases. If you’ve had experience with this, could you briefly share your experience and let us know which tool you did the integration with?

We are trying to get some feedback from our customers on which tools are popular and easy to do integration with.

Thank you!


(imported comment written by bolson5591)

I would also be interested to hear if other BigFix/DSS users are integrating the data into a separate Asset manager application. thanks in advance for feedback.

(imported comment written by Syro91)

My company is looking at integrating with Maximo, once the integration components are released by IBM, which we have been told is slated for Q1 of this year.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

We’ve been looking into importing PC information from BigFix into Infra by VMWare (Now known as Service Manager). Currently waiting on our Infra upgrade project to complete first though.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

We currently do a dump from our HP Service Manager solution and then import that into BigFix. It allows us to give BES clients settings like BU, Platform Suport Team, Maintenance Window, etc.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

How about the integration?

It seems that the integation has been running long time based on the post. Is there an available data adapter for CMDB/TADDM now?

I have been asked for such adapter for a Demo last month.

is there any update for it?



Hello cstoneba,

Can you please explain the concept hoe to import the data into bigfix DB2 and how to show this data into console ?

Thanks in advance.