BES Console / retrieved properties

In the BES Console you can expand the “Computers” node and list computers “By Retrieved Properties”

What controls what properties that are available in this list? Are there specific criteria for how they should be defined? We have properties defined in an analysis that have values but are not listed under the “By retrieved properties”

Also, is it possible to sort the list of properties somehow? Currently they appear to be in a random order.

The list of retrieved properties in that tree matches the list of properties you are displaying for computers.
To change that list, right-click on any column-header in the Computers panel and select the properties of interest.


It is amazing that I did not realize this, thanks a lot!

How can I display a column with the computer’s DNS?

Thank you

Same steps as described by @trn, then type dns to locate DNS Name then click the check box to add it to your view. Same process for any other built in or custom property you have in your environment.