BES console crashes on Power Mangement dashboard (Vista32)

(imported topic written by mynameisbear91)

32-bit Vista Enterprise edition, non-localized, all current BigFixable patches.

Going to the Power Tracking Information dashboard makes the BES Console do this, every single time.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: BESConsole.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 46a7ee68

Fault Module Name: StackHash_fb48

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

Exception Offset: 0be70100

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: fb48

Additional Information 2: 8040ee962c558d82ba19f191473638f7

Additional Information 3: 265b

Additional Information 4: e65b14803125b6f371117055d1a283b0

Here’s a screenshot of what it does (you can see the BES Console off in the distance…):

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey cgolightly,

I just tried it and I can reproduce the issue on Vista (it seems to happen with some other dashboards too)… We will take a closer look… thanks for the report.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey cgolightly,

OK… found the issue… it is a Microsoft bug that is related to the “Office Web Components 10” that we use for some of our charts in dashboards. There appears to be a problem running Office Web Components 10 with the Vista DEP mechanism.

We have found that you can upgrade to Office Web Components 11 (2003 version) to fix this issue. More info on how to upgrade here:


(imported comment written by mynameisbear91)

Ben Kus

Hey cgolightly,

OK… found the issue… it is a Microsoft bug that is related to the “Office Web Components 10” that we use for some of our charts in dashboards. There appears to be a problem running Office Web Components 10 with the Vista DEP mechanism.

We have found that you can upgrade to Office Web Components 11 (2003 version) to fix this issue. More info on how to upgrade here:


Rock on. I never installed OWC11, 'cause I never really had any reason to use it. Now I do. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the most valuable part of posting issues on the public forum is that the issue (and resolution) becomes searchable even if no official knowledgebase article is created. I’d like to recommend y’all figure out some way to make the forum more visible to the average BES admin. Perhaps including the User Forum as a default search, i.e. the box is checked by default, but the search results from the forum are the last results returned, to make sure “official content” results are returned first. I dunno, that’s just one BES guy’s suggestion. :wink: