BES Client Setting: CPU Usage with Solaris

Has anyone used the BES Client Setting: CPU Usage tasks when patching Solaris systems?

I was coming across messages like this from the system console when I set CPU to <10%

Agg_B_OS running as 1000 has been restored on <system_name>

Has anyone noticed if this helps speed up installation of patches on Solaris systems?


I would think once the BESClient passes the command to the system for a patch, the system would use whatever process it uses to install that patch meaning it’s then out of the BESClient’s hands and the usage of the BESClient would be irrelevant. Maybe I’m missing something?

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@jmaple is correct that a process started by the agent will be outside the agents cpu controls

@jmaple and @gearoid are both right and wrong.

The reasoning is actually that the BES Client CPU usage set to <10% only applies to background relevance evaluation and does not apply during action execution at all. If you are using relevance substitution during actionscript, it is not bound by the <10% CPU usage.

Setting a higher CPU usage for the BES Client may make it more reactive to finding things that are made relevant by previous actions, so it could actually speed things up a bit, but not during action execution.

On windows systems, you can actually set the process priority that the BES Client will execute actions with:

action launch preference low-priority


It is a good idea for long running background tasks to be launched at low priority on windows systems, particularly when a user is logged on at the time, or may log in while it is running.

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