BES client cannot register to local relay after relay installed

(imported comment written by Raja9109)

Hope you already raised a PMR. if not pls do it because if multiple PMRs for the same issue then IBM might give solution as earliest.

(imported comment written by RadekChan)

Can you show me where can I raise a PMR? Thanks

(imported comment written by Raja9109)

First you need to register with yourself with valid customer ID therafter you will be able to raise a PMR.

(imported comment written by jfschafer)

Seeing this issue too. Still occurring even on recently released 9.0.835.0. Have PMR open (54876,49R). Will post something here if we get more info. Happens on some solaris and Linux, randomly.

(imported comment written by Raja9109)

Hi ,

This issue was resolved by entering IP address of parent relays instead of hostname in Relay1 and Relay2

we try to nslookup of parent relays it was taking more than 15 seconds to resolve the IP which caused the issue. After entering IP address issue got fixed.



(imported comment written by ToshikiMatsui)

Apologizes for my late response.

Try to add a dot at the end of FQDN like below in case of resolving the hostname by /etc/hosts.


can you show me how did you enter the IP address on the parent relay??? something need to clarify and elaborate.