I’m fairly certain I’ve complained about this before, but the session relevance bes action result
does not have a property for the start time or end time for the most recent result for a particular computer, but the console DOES show a start time and end time. It is odd that this info is available in the console but not through a session relevance query.
My current use cases mostly involve what the minimum start time, maximum start time, minimum end time, and maximum end times are across all results for a particular action. I’m particularly interested in the maximum end time so that I can stop an action automatically that has had it’s most recent computer result far enough in the past that I consider the action stale and no longer needed. I don’t want to automatically stop actions that have had it’s time issued or maximum result end time too recently. (which is not the same thing as an action end time)
Relevance to add this to:
(ids of it, number of elements of reported computer sets of it, number of elements of targeted computer sets of it, names of it) whose(item 1 of it = item 2 of it) of bes actions whose( (targeted by list flag of it OR targeted by id flag of it) AND not reapply flag of it AND not group member flag of it AND "Open"=state of it AND (now - time issued of it) > 8 * day )
CC: @AlanM