Baselines - Tasks Carry on to the Next even When a Preceding Task in the Sequence Fails/Non-Relevant

Hi All,

I am having an issue with Baselines. I have 3 Tasks/Components in the Baseline and they are set to run in sequence - each subsequent Task has a relevance to check for completion marker from the preceding Task. However, I have noticed that if a preceding Task fails/non relevant, the Baseline Action just moves on to the next Task in the sequence and does not Stop.

I would be most grateful for your suggestions or steer towards resolving this issue.

Thank you.

Task fails and not relevant are two different use cases: if the task is not relevant, it is correctly ignored; on the other end, you can force the execution to stop if any of the tasks fail if you uncheck ā€œRun all members actions of action group regardless of errorsā€ when you deploy the baseline:


DanielColi, many thanks for the steer re unchecking the ā€˜Run all member actions of action group regardless of errorsā€™ option. thatā€™s sorted it.

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