(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Hi Guys,
to automate operations on some AIX Lpars, I’m trying to use a baseline, with 7 consecutive fixlets, each one do something and write a text file that is the prerequisite for the next one.
The 6th fixlet writes a semaphore file that does not permit the execution of the last fixlet.
I want to remove that semaphore file with another task, external to the baseline, to be able to check the result of the 6th fixlet, and then continue only on selected endpoints.
But up to now I’m not able to start an action from the baseline that satisfy my use case:
the baseline will get complete, without executing the last fixlet, that is not relevant
(because I have to remove the semaphore file).
Am I doing something that could be possible, with baselines, or I have to build up that in a different way?
Thanks in advance
Graziano Specchierla