I have a baseline comprised of two components which is giving me grief. Here are some details:
The baseline itself is relevant on two test machines.
The source of Component1 is relevant on both the test boxes. Within the baseline it has “The baseline will be relevant on . . .” checked.
The source of Component2 is not relevant on either boxes (but should be once Component1 completes). Within the baseline the “baseline will be relevant…” box is NOT checked.
Once the action processes on these boxes they both come back with Not Relevant. I enabled the debug logging on one but it wasn’t any help. I checked out the .fxf file for the multiple action group but I don’t really know if there is anything to look for there . . .
Given the above, a couple of questions:
Shouldn’t I expect Component1 to run regardless?
Will combining these components in the same baseline work in the way I want? I.e. Component1 is relevant, runs, causes Component2 to be relevant, which then runs.
All three default to: “Run independently of user presence . . .”
Baseline Relevance
Computers which match all of the conditions:
TRUE: Member of GroupA
TRUE: Not member of GroupB (GroupA is not a member of GroupB)
“The baseline will be relevant on . . .” is checked
We’re removing all unsupported versions of a particular app.
Computers which match all of the conditions:
TRUE: Member of GroupA
TRUE: Not member of GroupB
TRUE: (Win2K or WinXP) AND exists appToRemove with a version <= 42
Component1 kicks off an .exe that removes the applicable versions of appToRemove.
“The baseline will be relevant on . . .” is NOT checked
Installing an app which should not coexist with appToRemove
Computers which match all of the conditions:
TRUE: Member of GroupA
TRUE: NOT exists regapp appToRemove
TRUE: NOT (exists folder “C:\replacementApp\install\directory” whose (exists file “fileToCheck.foo” whose (version of it >= “” as version) of it))
TRUE: if (exists regapp “replacementApp”) then (if (exists distinguished name whose (it as lowercase contains “OU-to-key-on” as lowercase) of local computer of active directory) then (version of regapp “replacementApp” != “99” as version) else (true)) else (true)
Component2 pskills some processes if found then installs replacementApp and patches to latest/greatest.
exists (if exists value of settings “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client then value of setting “_BESClient_ActiveDirectoryPathOverride” of client else if exists true whose (if true then exists distinguished name of local computer of active directory else false) then distinguished name of local computer of active directory else “”) whose ((it as string as lowercase contains “OK-OU-1” as lowercase OR it as string as lowercase contains “OK-OU-2” as lowercase) AND (it as string as lowercase does not contain “Bad-OU”))
Active Directory Path - does not contain - dc=ExcludeThis
Include computers with any of the following properties:
about a dozen or so of: Computer name equals NameOfPC