Baseline and fixlets

how can i get:
fixlet - applicable computer (name of computers)
Baseline - applicable computer (name of computers)

Following returns the list of relevant computers for a specific site:
(id of it , names of applicable computers of it) of unique values of relevant fixlets whose (name of site of it = “BES Asset Discovery” ) of bes computers

Following returns the list of relevant computers for a specific baseline :
(( name of it) of elements of applicable computer set of it as string, names of it as string) of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose ( baseline flag of it = true and name of it = “Custom Baseline”)

you wrote "Following returns the list of relevant computers for a specific site:"
and i need specific fixlet and not site

and the second one - baseline return null =\


Helllo, to be more clear, the first return the id of the fixlets relevant for the given site, along with the computer name. I have changed the relevance to show the fixlet name too, see the attached example.

The second relevance returns the list of computers and their relevant fixlets for a given custom site. See the attached example.

yeah i treid now with your tool and there its work but in the fixlet debagger its not working , and its take a lot of time for the results=/

thank you!

Correct, those are “session relevance” expressions (see

Fixlet debugger is for client relevance, not session relevance. There is a separate Session Relevance Tester/Debugger here:

Or you can use the Presentation Debugger found in the console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+D at the same time. That will enable the debug menu at the top of the console.