Bare Metal Profile delete

Hello Experts,

I have multiple bare metal profiles in our infra. Now my requirement is I want to remove these profiles from PXE Relay server not from IEM console. when I select delete profile option profile will be deleted from console as well.
Need your experts advice. Thanks.

from Bare Metal Server Manager dashboard, if you select the entry of the Bare Metal Server you want to remove the profiles from, you’ll see in the lower part of the screen the profiles that have been send to this Bare Metal Server, you can select the ones you want to remove and click on “delete”.
They will be deleted only from that Bare Metal Server.

Thanks for reply, can we do it from console

Yes, it must be done from the console, on Bare Metal Server Manager dashboard

yes it done but issue is its also deleted from console as well, I want to this profile in console and deleted from baremetal servers

that view reports the bare metal profiles that have been sent on the specific bare metal server selected. Which is the purpose to delete the profile from the bare metal server but to keep that entry on the console?
If you delete the bare metal profile from bare metal server dashboard in the list of the profiles sent to a specific bare metal server, the entry here will be removed here but of course you’ll preserve your image and your bare metal profile definition in the list of the bare metal profiles created on this image, the entry of the bare metal profile will be only removed from the list of the bare metal profiles sent to that specific bare metal server.