AWS inspector relevancies missing from

These relevancies are from the external ‘Amazon Web Services Resources’ Analysis properties but their property relevance don’t exist in


image id
name of aws image
instance id
key name
launch time
owner id
private dns names
public dns names
public ip addresses
names of security groups
tenancy of placement
instance type
vpc id

Where these missed from relevance inspector library?

They are not exactly “relevances” at all. They can only ever be evaluated by the plugin server and will fail on any native client, so maybe that’s why they are not there… I would imagine they should be documented somewhere else though but again, it’s not like they are inspectors you can customize with sub-inspectors and whatnot…

@cstoneba While not specifically the documentation you are most likely looking for, this might be a start:

device id: string
computer name: string
data source: string

correlation keys: plural correlation key
name of <correlation key>: string
value of <correlation key>: string

device type: string

dns name: string

operating system: operating system
name of <operating system>: string
version of <operating system>: version

network: network
ip interfaces of <network>: plural ip interface
address of <ip interface>: ipv4or6 address
subnet address of <ip interface>: ipv4or6 address
loopback of <ip interface>: boolean
[mac address, mac addresses] of <ip interface>: string
[instance id, instances id]: string
address of <network adapter interface>: ipv4or6 address

main processor: processor
speed of <processor>: hertz
family name of <processor>: string

bios: string

hardware: hardware
virtual of <hardware>: boolean
proxied of <hardware>: boolean

system folder: folder
drive of <folder>: drive
free space of <drive>: integer
total space of <drive>: integer

ram: ram

current user: logged on user
logged on users: plural logged on user
name of <logged on user>: string

cloud provider: cloud provider
name of <cloud provider>: string
instance id of <cloud provider>: string

instance id: string
owner id: integer
credentials label: string
credentials role: string
requester id: integer
hypervisor: string
state: string
image id: string
instance type: string
launch time: string
uptime: integer
public ip address: string
public dns name: string
private ip address: string
private dns name: string
region: string
key name: string
vpc id: string
ami launch index: integer
aws image: aws image
subnet id: string
ena enabled: boolean
virtualization type: string
root device type: string

product codes: plural product codes
id of <product code>: string
type of <product code>: string

proxy agent plugin: proxy agent plugin
last report time of <proxy agent plugin>: time
version of <proxy agent plugin>: version
last device report time: time

user language: string

id of <aws image>: string
name of <aws image>: string
architecture of <aws image>: string
description of <aws image>: string
creation date of <aws image>: string
hypervisor of <aws image>: string
location of <aws image>: string
owner alias of <aws image>: string
type of <aws image>: string
kernel id of <aws image>: string
public of <aws image>: boolean
tags of <aws image>: plural tag
product codes of <aws image>: plural product code
virtualization type of <aws image>: string
platform details of <aws image>: string

tags: plural tag
key of <tag>: string
value of <tag>: string

security groups: plural security group
id of <security group>: string
name of <security group>: string

placement: placement
affinity of <placement>: string
availability zone of <placement>: string
group name of <placement>: string
host id of <placement>: string
partition number of <placement>: string
spread domain of <placement>: string
tenancy of <placement>: string

cpupackage: cpupackage
core of <cpupackage>: integer
thread of <cpupackage>: integer

ebs: ebs
ebses: plural ebs
attach time of <ebs>: string
delete on termination of <ebs>: boolean
status of <ebs>: string
volume id of <ebs>: string

block device mapping: block device mapping
[block device mapping, block device mappings]: plural block device mapping
device name of <block device mapping>: string
ebs of <block device mapping>: ebs

association overview: association overview
detailed status of <association overview>: string
status count of <association overview>: string
system manager: system manager
activation id of <system manager>: string
agent version of <system manager>: string
association overview of <system manager>: association overview
association status of <system manager>: string
computer name of <system manager>: string
ip address of <system manager>: string
iam role of <system manager>: string
instance id of <system manager>: string
latest version of <system manager>: boolean
last association execution of <system manager>: string
last ping of <system manager>: string
last successful association of <system manager>: string
name of <system manager>: string
ping status of <system manager>: string
platform name of <system manager>: string
platform type of <system manager>: string
platform version of <system manager>: string
registration date of <system manager>: string
resource type of <system manager>: string

Additionally, the only actionscript command is:

install agent

Maybe they could be added under a new category of “Plugin Server” or something in the Platforms filter dropdown under Just thinking it would be nice to have inspectors all in one place