Advance thanks we need advice and solution java direct connect setting we need change 2000+ client systems
, we tried the script was success fully executed with 0 but the java direct connect was not changing
// Test for BSU-9333
action uses wow64 redirection true
//the name of key
parameter “keyname”=“HKCU\Software\JavaSoft\DeploymentProperties”
// The new value to add
parameter “valuename”=“deployment.proxy.type”
// The value of data to add
parameter “datavalue”=“0”
Assuming what you posted is correct, HKCU = HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The BigFix Client runs as the Local System user account so the setting was changed for that user. If this is truly where the registry key resides then you will need to run the command as the currently logged in user for every user, with the criteria “Run when at least one of the selected users is logged on”.
In this case however I believe there may be a global location this setting can be defined under… I just don’t happen to have it off the top of my head.
This forces 32-bit redirection (i.e. the 32-bit code is always executed) - is that what you intended?
Look in “HKCU\Wow6432Node\Software\JavaSoft\DeploymentProperties”
System Level
The deployment.config file is used for specifying the System-Level in the infrastructure. By default no deployment.config file exists; thus, no system-wide file exists. If deployment.config exists, it is located either here: <Windows Directory>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config
The setting you want to ensure is configured in this file is:
Again, per the documentation:
This is for the type of proxy that should be use. The choices are:
I would first test adding this setting to the file on a machine and see if it does what the documentation indicates it will… that is bypass any proxy and go direct.
If this works, modify your action to append this value to the file and you should be good.
Note: I would still suggest going the system-wide method using the config file instead if this is indeed the correct setting for any user on the endpoint.